
(Trigger warning: using death as an analogy) Euthanasia (noun) Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a patient to limit the patient's suffering. The patient in question would typically be terminally ill or experiencing great pain and suffering. The word “euthanasia” itself comes from the Greek words “eu” (good) and “thanatos” (death). -University of… Continue reading Euthanasia.

About Change

Hello lovely people! I hope that you have all been well in the time I have been away. How have I been? Well, I have been a lot of things to be honest. Happy, stressed, sad, confused, upset, jealous, fulfilled, loved, jovial, anti-social, busy ... Like I said, I have been- alot of things. But… Continue reading About Change

The note that didn’t make it to my journal …

It's a Monday evening and I am deep in the paths of personal development, by that I mean I am still on laptop being busy, and by that I mean I am taking courses to add to my professional catalogue of badges, and by that I mean I am finding a way to feel fulfilled… Continue reading The note that didn’t make it to my journal …

Notes from my journal (2)

The sun shines brighter than my aura this morning Surrounded by the sound of cries and stares from a new born baby Little eyes Little hands Little feet Little smile A reminder of the gentleness that comes with life The vulnerability The dependence The rest The beauty I am undoubtedly blessed beyond my adversities. -Miss… Continue reading Notes from my journal (2)

Closing off April 2022

I jokingly remarked to a colleague of mine not so long ago, that I wondered if my blog even remembered my existence. To be fair, I think I was being extremely unkind to myself having had episodes previously were my writer's block lasted months (or was it years in?) whereas this time around it's just… Continue reading Closing off April 2022

MARCH 2022: Month of the Woman

Hello beautiful people! I know we are already 12 days in, but HAPPY NEW MONTH!!! My life has been consumed by loads of work and personal development and between then and now, I haven't had the time to sit down and type away. So grateful for the chance to do it now. A special shout… Continue reading MARCH 2022: Month of the Woman

Let the pen flow; Let the pain go.

Writing has always been an escape for me. In this unpredictable world where "life happens"; writing is one thing I feel I have control over. I decide when the sentence will end, which paragraph will follow, how it will flow and alot of other things. I am in control in that moment and it feels… Continue reading Let the pen flow; Let the pain go.

Let’s Catch Up!

Hey there, beautiful people! How you all doing? (I am fine, thanks for asking lol) It's been a while since I posted a blog and separation anxiety started kicking in. So here I am, breaking the silence in the middle of a hectic schedule. I've been upto so much away from here, my heart has… Continue reading Let’s Catch Up!

February 2022: HOPE

Happy New Month beautiful people of the blogverse!!! I hope the year is going great for you all so far. Mine is going awesome. January went by quite quickly in my world, I found time to read for leisure and now I'm on an addictive path- look out for alot of Book Reviews content this… Continue reading February 2022: HOPE