Financial Empathy. #WinterABC24

As I sat down to write about finances in response to day 4 of the #WinterABC24, I had a clear plan – to review the classic book: “The Richest Man in Babylon” and share its timeless wisdom on building wealth. But then, a nagging thought crept in: what about Financial Empathy?

I mean, think about it, dear beautiful readers. The personal finance space can be overwhelming- now more than ever. More so when “experts” talk down to people like they are financial failures or reckless spenders. The era of financial advisors flooding our social media these days have a condescending flare in the tone of their delivery.

Some financial advice sounds like, “stop wasting money on food and invest in a bond, like your friends do!” Hmm… What about those of who are barely getting by? Do they not deserve a seat at the table? What about those who are struggling to make ends meet, or those who are drowning in debt? Yes, solutions to financial hardships are required and sometimes “tough love” gets the message across but I still …

Financial Empathy Matters.

It’s about understanding that our financial journeys are unique, messy, and sometimes downright hard. It’s about recognizing that we all have different struggles, different priorities, and different goals. And it’s about creating a space where we can talk about money without judgment, without assumptions, and without condescension.

By practicing financial empathy, we can create a community that supports and uplifts each other, not just with financial advice, but with kindness, compassion, and understanding.

Let’s create a safe space for real conversations about money, without judgment or assumption. Let’s build a community that lifts each other up, rather than tearing each other down.

Thanks for reading and for journeying with me through the storytelling festival.

Until next time- likely tomorrow,

Remember to practice financial empathy.

-Miss Nsatu, xo.

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